Lexical Structure

This chapter shows the lexical structure of Veryl. At the first, we’ll discuss about the general parts in it.


The encoding of Veryl source code should be UTF-8.

White Space

(white space), \t and \n are treated as white space. All of them are skipped by Veryl’s parser.


Single line comment and multi line comment can be used. Almost all comment will be outputted at the transpiled code.

// single line comment




Documentation comment

Signle line comment starts with /// is treated as documentation comment. Documentation comment is used for document generation.

/// documentation comment


Identifier is composed with ASCII alphabet and number and _. Leading number is not allowed. The following regular expression shows the definition.


Raw Identifier

Some keywords of Veryl can be used as identifier in SystemVerilog. To access these identifiers, raw identifier can be used. For example, clock which is a keyword of Veryl can be used as identifier like r#clock. The r#clock will be transpiled to clock in SystemVerilog.


String is surrounded by ". Escape by \ can be used like \", \n and so on.

"Hello, World!"