Clock / Reset

clock is a special types to represent clock wiring. There are 3 variants to specify clock polarity.

  • clock: clock type of which polarity is specified by the build option
  • clock_posedge: clock type of which polarity is positive
  • clock_negedge: clock type of which polarity is negative

reset is a special types to represent reset wiring. There are 5 variants to specify reset polarity and synchronicity.

  • reset: reset type of which polarity and synchronicity are specified by the build option
  • reset_async_high: async/high active reset type
  • reset_async_low: async/low active reset type
  • reset_sync_high: sync/active high reset type
  • reset_sync_low: sync/active low reset type

If there is no special requirement, clock and reset are recommended for code reusability.

module ModuleA (
    i_clk    : input clock           ,
    i_clk_p  : input clock_posedge   ,
    i_clk_n  : input clock_negedge   ,
    i_rst    : input reset           ,
    i_rst_a  : input reset_async_high,
    i_rst_a_n: input reset_async_low ,
    i_rst_s  : input reset_sync_high ,
    i_rst_s_n: input reset_sync_low  ,
) {
    var a: logic;
    var b: logic;
    var c: logic;

    always_ff (i_clk, i_rst) {
        if_reset {
            a = 0;
        } else {
            a = 1;

    always_ff (i_clk_p, i_rst_a) {
        if_reset {
            b = 0;
        } else {
            b = 1;

    always_ff (i_clk_n, i_rst_s_n) {
        if_reset {
            c = 0;
        } else {
            c = 1;