
Attribute can annotate some declarations like variable declaration.

sv Attribute

sv attribute represents SystemVerilog attribute. It will be transpiled to SystemVerilog attribute (* *).

module ModuleA {
    let _a: logic<10> = 1;
    let _b: logic<10> = 1;

allow Attribute

allow attribute is used to disable specified lint check.

module ModuleA {
    let a: logic<10> = 1;

Available lint names are below:

  • unused_variable
  • missing_reset_statement
  • missing_port

ifdef/ifndef Attribute

ifdef and ifndef attribute is used to control whether the annotated code block is enabled by defined value. If DEFINE_A is defined, the code block with #[ifdef(DEFINE_A)] is enabled, and the code block with #[ifndef(DEFINE_A)] is disabled.

module ModuleA {
        let _a: logic<10> = 1;

        let _b: logic<10> = 1;

align Attribute

align attribute is used to control vertical alignment by formatter. If number is specified as an argument of align attribute, all numbers are aligned. identifier can be used too.

module ModuleA {
    let a  : logic<32> = 1;
    let aa : logic<32> = 1;
    let aaa: logic<32> = 1;

    let _b: logic = {
        a[0] repeat 1, a[0] repeat 1,
        aa[1] repeat 8, aa[1] repeat 8,
        aaa[2] repeat 16, aaa[2] repeat 16,

    #[align(number, identifier)]
    let _c : logic = {
        a  [0 ] repeat 1 , a  [0 ] repeat 1 ,
        aa [1 ] repeat 8 , aa [1 ] repeat 8 ,
        aaa[2 ] repeat 16, aaa[2 ] repeat 16,