SystemVerilog Interoperation

If you want to access to items of SystemVerilog, $sv namespace can be used. For example, “ModuleA” in SystemVerilog source code can be accessed by $sv::ModuleA. Veryl don’t check the existence of the items.

module ModuleA {
    let _a: logic = $sv::PackageA::ParamA;

    inst b: $sv::ModuleB;
    inst c: $sv::InterfaceC;

To access some identifiers which are used as Veryl’s keywords, raw identifier can be used.

module ModuleA (
    i_clk: input clock,
) {
    inst a: $sv::ModuleA (
        // clock: i_clk
        // ^ this is syntax error because `clock` is a keyword
        // Instead of it, `r#clock` can be used
        r#clock: i_clk,