
Document of project can be generated by veryl doc command. All public modules, interfaces and packages will be listed in it. (See Visibility )

If you want to add a detailed description, you can add documentation comment. In the documentation comment, Markdown syntax can be used.

Waveform description based on WaveDrom is supported too. In a wavedrom code block, the syntax of WaveDrom can be written. Please refer Tutorial for the detailed syntax.

/// The detailed description of ModuleA
/// * list item0
/// * list item1
/// ```wavedrom
/// {signal: [
///   {name: 'clk', wave: 'p.....|...'},
///   {name: 'dat', wave: 'x.345x|=.x', data: ['head', 'body', 'tail', 'data']},
///   {name: 'req', wave: '0.1..0|1.0'},
///   {},
///   {name: 'ack', wave: '1.....|01.'}
/// ]}
/// ```
pub module ModuleA #(
    /// Data width
    param ParamA: u32 = 1,
    local ParamB: u32 = 1,
) (
    i_clk : input  clock        , /// Clock
    i_rst : input  reset        , /// Reset
    i_data: input  logic<ParamA>, /// Data input
    o_data: output logic<ParamA>, /// Data output
) {
    assign o_data = 0;

The available configurations are below. These can be specified in [doc] section of Veryl.toml.

path = "document"
pathstring“doc”path to output directory