
Prototype is a special generic bound. It represents prototype which can be passed to the generic parameter. Currently module prototype is supported only.

In the following example, ProtoA is a module prototype which has parameter A and port i_dat and o_dat. By binding like T: ProtoA, it is represented that the generic parameter T should have the parameters and ports.

To use prototype, for implementation is required. ModuleC and ModuleD have for ProroA specifier which means the module satisfies the condision of ProroA. So the modules can be used as the generic parameter T of ModuleB.

module ModuleA {
    inst u0: ModuleB::<ModuleC>;
    inst u1: ModuleB::<ModuleD>;

proto module ProtoA #(
    param A: u32 = 1,
) (
    i_dat: input  logic,
    o_dat: output logic,

module ModuleB::<T: ProtoA> {
    inst u: T (
        i_dat: 0,
        o_dat: _,

module ModuleC for ProtoA #(
    param A: u32 = 1,
) (
    i_dat: input  logic,
    o_dat: output logic,
) {
    assign o_dat = i_dat;

module ModuleD for ProtoA #(
    param A: u32 = 1,
) (
    i_dat: input  logic,
    o_dat: output logic,
) {
    assign o_dat = ~i_dat;