Clock Domain Annotation

If there are some clocks in a module, explicit clock domain annotation like `a is required. The annotation shows which clock domain each signals belong.

module ModuleA (
    // belong clock domain `a
    i_clk_a: input  `a clock,
    i_dat_a: input  `a logic,
    o_dat_a: output `a logic,

    // belong clock domain `b
    i_clk_b: input  `b clock,
    i_dat_b: input  `b logic,
    o_dat_b: output `b logic,
) {
    // assignment in the same clock domain is safe
    assign o_dat_a = i_dat_a;
    assign o_dat_b = i_dat_b;

If there is single clock only in a module, the annotation can be omitted.

module ModuleA (
    i_clk: input  clock,
    i_dat: input  logic,
    o_dat: output logic,
) {
    assign o_dat = i_dat;

`_ is a special clock domain which means implicit clock domain. This can be used to specify that some clocks belong the same implicit clock domain.

module ModuleA (
    // all signals belong implicit clock domain
    i_clk   : input  `_ clock,
    i_clk_x2: input  `_ clock,
    i_dat   : input     logic,
    o_dat   : output    logic,
) {
    assign o_dat = i_dat;