
[build] section specifies the configuration for code generation.

The clock_type field

The clock_type field specifies which clock edge is used to drive flip-flop. The available types are below:

  • posedge – positive edge
  • negedge – negetive edge

The reset_type field

The reset_type field specifies reset polarity and synchronisity. The available types are below:

  • async_low – asynchronous and active low
  • async_high – asynchronous and active high
  • sync_low – synchronous and active low
  • sync_high – synchronous and active high

The filelist_type field

The filelist_type field specifies filelist format. The available types are below:

  • absolute – plane text filelist including absolute file paths
  • relative – plane text filelist including relative file paths
  • flgenflgen filelist

The target field

The target field specifies where the generated codes will be placed at. The available types are below:

  • source – as the same directory as the source code
  • directory – specified directory
  • bundle – specified file

If you want to use directory or bundle, you should specify the target path by path key.

target = {type = "directory", path = "[dst dir]"}

The implicit_parameter_types field

The implicit_parameter_types field lists the types which will be elided in parameter declaration of the generated codes. This is because some EDA tools don’t support parameter declaration with specific types (ex.string). If you want to elide string, you can specify like below:

implicit_parameter_types = ["string"]

The omit_project_prefix field

If omit_project_prefix is set to true, the project prefix of module/interface/package name will be omitted. This is false by default.

omit_project_prefix = true

The strip_comments field

If strip_comments is set to true, all comments will be stripped. This is false by default.

strip_comments = true

The *_prefix and *_suffix field

*_prefix and *_suffix represent additional prefix and suffix for the generated code. The available configurations are below:

  • clock_posedge_prefix: Prefix for clock type at clock_type = posedge
  • clock_posedge_suffix: Suffix for clock type at clock_type = posedge
  • clock_negedge_prefix: Prefix for clock type at clock_type = negedge
  • clock_negedge_suffix: Suffix for clock type at clock_type = negedge
  • reset_high_prefix: Prefix for reset type at reset_type = *_high
  • reset_high_suffix: Suffix for reset type at reset_type = *_high
  • reset_low_prefix: Prefix for reset type at reset_type = *_low
  • reset_low_suffix: Suffix for reset type at reset_type = *_low

The sourcemap_target field

The sourcemap_target field specifies where the generated source maps will be placed at. The available types are below:

  • target – as the same directory as the target code
  • directory – specified directory
  • none – no source map

If you want to use directory, you should specify the target path by path key.

sourcemap_target = {type = "directory", path = "[dst dir]"}

The expand_inside_operation field

If expand_inside_operation is set to true, operations using inside operator will be expended to logic using ==? operator. This is because some EDA tools don’t support inside operator. This is false by default.

expand_inside_operation = true

The exclude_std field

If exclude_std is set to true, standard library will not be included.

exclude_std = true