Project Configuration

The [project] section

The first section of Veryl.toml is [project]. The mandatory fields are name and version.

The name field

The project name is used as prefix in the generated codes. So the name must start with alphabet or _, and use only alphanumeric characters or _.

The version field

The project version should follow Semantic Versioning. The version is constructed by the following three numbers.

  • Major – increment at incompatible changes
  • Minor – increment at adding features with backward compatibility
  • Patch – increment at bug fixes with backward compatibility
version = "0.1.0"

The authors field

The optional authors field lists in an array the people or organizations that are considered the “authors” of the project. The format of each string in the list is free. Name only, e-mail address only, and name with e-mail address included within angled brackets are commonly used.

authors = ["Fnu Lnu", "", "Fnu Lnu <>"]

The description field

The description is a short blurb about the project. This should be plane text (not Markdown).

The license field

The license field contains the name of license that the project is released under. The string should be follow SPDX 2.3 license expression.

license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

The repository field

The repository field should be a URL to the source repository for the project.

repository = ""

The [build] section

The [build] section contains the configurations of code generation. Available configurations is here.

The [format] section

The [format] section contains the configurations of code formatter. Available configurations is here.

The [lint] section

The [lint] section contains the configurations of linter. Available configurations is here.

The [test] section

The [test] section contains the configurations of test by RTL simulator. Available configurations is here.

The [publish] section

The [publish] section contains the configurations of publishing. Available configurations is here.

The [dependencies] section

The [dependencies] section contains library dependencies. Available configurations is here.