Publish Project

To publish your project, veryl publish can be used. Publising means to associate a version with a git revision.

$ veryl publish
[INFO ]   Publishing release (0.2.1 @ 297bc6b24c5ceca9e648c3ea5e01011c67d7efe7)
[INFO ]      Writing metadata ([path to project]/

veryl publish generates which contains published version information like below.

version = "0.2.1"
revision = "297bc6b24c5ceca9e648c3ea5e01011c67d7efe7"

After generating, publishing sequence is completed by git add, commit and push. The git branch to be committed must be the default branch because Veryl search in the default branch.

$ git add
$ git commit -m "Publish"
$ git push

If you enable automatic commit by publish_commit in [publish] section of Veryl.toml, git add and commit will be executed after publish.

$ veryl publish
[INFO ]   Publishing release (0.2.1 @ 297bc6b24c5ceca9e648c3ea5e01011c67d7efe7)
[INFO ]      Writing metadata ([path to project]/
[INFO ]   Committing metadata ([path to project]/

Version Bump

You can bump version with publish at the same time by --bump option. As the same as publish, bump_commit in [publish] section of Veryl.toml can specify automatic commit after bump version.

$ veryl publish --bump patch
[INFO ]      Bumping version (0.2.1 -> 0.2.2)
[INFO ]     Updating version field ([path to project]/Veryl.toml)
[INFO ]   Committing metadata ([path to project]/Veryl.toml)
[INFO ]   Publishing release (0.2.2 @ 159dee3b3f93d3a999d8bac4c6d26d51476b178a)
[INFO ]      Writing metadata ([path to project]/
[INFO ]   Committing metadata ([path to project]/


The available configurations are here.