Directory Layout

Veryl supports arbitrary directory layout. This is because the optimal directory layout for an independent project and an integrated project within other projects is different.

In this section, we suggest some directory layout patterns.

Single source directory

This pattern contains all sources in src directory. In src, you can configure arbitrary sub directories.

$ tree
|-- src
|   |-- module_a.veryl
|   `-- module_b
|       |-- module_b.veryl
|       `-- module_c.veryl
`-- Veryl.toml

2 directories, 4 files

Veryl gathers all *.veryl files and generates codes at the same directory as the source by default. You can show the behavior explicitly by the following configuration.

target = "source"

After veryl build, the directory structure will become below:

$ tree
|-- dependencies
|-- prj.f
|-- src
|   |--
|   |-- module_a.veryl
|   `-- module_b
|       |--
|       |-- module_b.veryl
|       |--
|       `-- module_c.veryl
`-- Veryl.toml

3 directories, 8 files

Single source and target directory

If you want to place the generated codes into a directory, you can use target configure in [build] section of Veryl.toml.

target = {type = "directory", path = "target"}

The directory layout of this configure will become below:

$ tree
|-- dependencies
|-- prj.f
|-- src
|   |-- module_a.veryl
|   `-- module_b
|       |-- module_b.veryl
|       `-- module_c.veryl
|-- target
|   |--
|   |--
|   `--
`-- Veryl.toml

4 directories, 8 files

Multi source directory

If you want to add a veryl project to the existing SystemVerilog project, you can choose the following structure.

$ tree
|-- dependencies
|-- module_a
|   |--
|   `-- module_a.veryl
|-- module_b
|   |--
|   |-- module_b.veryl
|   |--
|   `-- module_c.veryl
|-- prj.f
|-- sv_module_x
|   `--
|-- sv_module_y
|   `--
`-- Veryl.toml

5 directories, 10 files

The generated prj.f lists all generated files. So you can use it along with the existing SystemVerilog filelists.

About .gitignore

Veryl doesn’t provide the default .gitignore. This is because which files should be ignored is different by each projects.

The candidates of .gitignore is below:

  • dependencies/
  • target/
  • *.sv
  • *.f